Multi Spring Mechanical Seals

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  • A304
    Equivalent to the Armstrong seals
    New Design, encased in a Stainless steel body, protecting the springs from the product
    Old design for the Bakery mixers
    Turkington Bakery seal
  • T109/T58U/T59U
    Multi spring, PTFE Wedge
    Corrosive Materials
    Un balanced
  • T109B/T59B/T58B
    For extremely corrosive fluid applications like Sulphuric acid, Nitric phosphoric or Hydrochloric acids
    These type balanced
  • TM07
    This seal suit inoxpa prolac and SRL pumps.

    seals are used in Beverages and Dairy Applications.
  • T701
    Stationary multipule springs seals
  • T762-HILGE
    Multi spring
    To suit Hilge pumps
  • TM010S3
    Same as the TM010, but with multi springs